
Image Feasability

Posted under General

Hello all. I've only been here for a couple of days, since I didn't know that Danbooru was back up until very recently. But I've been trying to make myself at home.

Anyways, I've always been a fan of Asakura Ryouko from SHnY, and as such have been uploading images of her onto the site, most specifically a lot of work from Phares, whose art I am a big fan of. However, I notice that these uploads tend to take longer to get approved then some of the other things I have tried to upload.

Thus, it brings me to my point, are there any significant problems with the type or quality of image that I have been uploading, specifically in regards to the Phares images:

(example: post #158560)

If there is then I will stop uploading them. But I did take into account that while they are rough, they are far from bad art, thus I thought it was okay to upload them.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance, and hope to see you around in the future!


Grahf said: Anyways, I've always been a fan of Asakura Ryouko from SHnY, and as such have been uploading images of her onto the site, most specifically a lot of work from Phares, whose art I am a big fan of. However, I notice that these uploads tend to take longer to get approved then some of the other things I have tried to upload.

I worked through a large moderation backlog earlier today, and I think you had some in there. So that might be why it seemed to take awhile. Moderation happens whenever a mod happens to be around and have time, so the time it takes for something to get approved can range from 5 seconds to a day, and faster doesn't necessarily mean it was better. Nor does slower mean it was worse.

As for phares, his art seems to vary -- some not so good, but the majority of it looks perfectly acceptable to me, and some people like rough sketches anyway. I think I've accepted all the ones I've seen, as far as I remember.

So I don't think you have anything to worry about, at least in my opinion.

Thanks for clearing that up. I can understand why people prefer coloured and fully realized images, but like you said, most of it is acceptable, and he was one of the few artists whose work I haven't seen posted.

Truth be told I was also really surprised that the one image of Asakura in a swimsuit at Short Circuit wasn't posted. People seem to be really fast with getting the really good stuff uploaded.

Thanks again!