
Question about appropriateness

Posted under General

Sorry to bother, but I'm trying to figure out how I stepped over the line with a post, so that I don't do so again.

Post: post #157278
Image: http://www99.sakura.ne.jp/~netge_goya/18pic/haa-63.jpg

Specifially, this image was deleted for being furry (http://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki/show?title=furry).

I don't mind the deletion, I'd just like to try and avoid posting things that are inappropriate in the future.

Thank You.

Updated by jxh2154

A number of your other posts however, were...

Well, it looks like or Albert dropped the limit down from 7 days to 3 (good move), and they got nixed. Some of them were... this is subjective, but "really terrible". The one you linked in this thread wasn't as bad but the rest... well, nobody approved them after days, so there you go. I was twitching with impatience to delete them every time I looked at the queue, but decided to let the time limit do its thing.

In retrospect, yeah, those needed to be deleted. No worries. If they need to be deleted, by all means, delete them, no need to wait on the timeout. I'm not going to be offended. :)

I've moved onward to better quality images, anyway (at least I think so). :)