
New artist tag guidelines?

Posted under General

I was going to add a tag for the artist at http://camelia.chu.jp/gs/ but I realized I don't know what the tag should be named.

On http://camelia.chu.jp/gs/ab.html the name is 日向瀬さはる / ヒナセサハル / Hinase Saharu. But there is also "site name: Framboise", which is also in the header of most pages.

So should the artist tag be "framboise", "hinase_saharu", or something else entirely?

The wiki only statest that for the artist database, the "name" field should be self-explanatory... but which name? Real-life name, pen name, site name?

Updated by albert

I'd use real life name and put anything else as alias. You can put multiple aliases, so I generally try to put in anything that someone could conceivably mistake for his name as well as the moonspeak-style name.

wanchan mentioned in this discussion (post #155429) a precedent set by albert for using the real name over the nickname if given a choice.

Real name gets priority. If not known, then a nickname or circle name or site name will suffice, just leave a note in the artist entry.

Other information can be aliased.

The important thing is to get the individual user some sort of unique identifier so they can be tracked and images from them grouped. Accuracy is important, but often not possible when the name is simply kanji with no reading given. So just make your best guess. What you don't want to do is use kanji tags, because they're essentially impossible to search for for most people, and just become a pain in the ass all around.

From most favored to least:

1. Artist's personal name
2. Artist's personal nickname
3. Artist's circle's name
4. Artist's site's name

But this rule isn't followed consistently. Like jxh2154 said, what matters is consistency and giving an artist a unique tag. It's always easy to fix these tags to point to a correct name later.