
Other image boards

Posted under General

If you know of other image boards/sites, should you copy all of their pictures and just post them on danbooru? I'm asking this because I don't how image boards react with each other, if danbooru has the same images but with different sizes, and if it's legal to even upload images.

Updated by jxh2154

The practice is discouraged, but only direct links to other imageboards as sources are strictly not allowed. If you know the artist, the copyright, etc. there should be no problem. After all, they do not own the exclusive rights to the image.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

I do it all the time. Some caveats:

Images posted on other imageboards are usually resized/recompressed. It's especially bad on Moeboard, which is why I've stopped uploading from there. This is why it's usually preferred that you upload directly from the artist's site. If you notice a lot of JPEG compression artifacts, or if the image is small, then don't bother uploading it here.

Yeah, as others have said (Albert himself too), the overriding benefit and claim-to-fame of Danbooru is... SOURCE! It's great to not have to "sauce plz" everything. So uploading straight from the artist is best.

It's not that everything you upload has to be. I've uploaded things from touhou wiki imageboard, from 2chan, from 4chan, but not often, not anymore anyway. The ideal image for me is red-green-purple; artist tag, character tag, copyright/series tag.

It's a shift in mentality from what we're used to on other imageboards, or from the "rapidshare a 300mb .zip file" approach, but I like it so much that it's almost physically painful to visit other boards now and just see an endless parade of unsourced images... =P