
Resolving a Minor Pool Dispute

Posted under General

My opinion is that the pool's description should be reworked and the best versions of the images should be kept instead, worse versions shouldn't be posted if the uploader knows there's a better version available. You can point in the pool's description that the images were originally posted on the official Twitter account and add the commentary of the original posts in the commentary field of the better versions if you think that's important.

I was under the impression that we are supposed to collect the best quality of images possible. Why should we be forced to use lower quality images when higher quality ones are available? This weird "Twitter-only" clause is super weird to me.
It doesn't help that the pool description is already strangely worded. What are "one-to-one illustrations?"

Unbreakable said:

I uploaded a Pixiv version of a post in pool #21357 and of course swapped the Twitter version out for that one, but for some reason I don't understand, @teitoku_zeon insists that this pool is supposed to only be for the Twitter versions of the images just because they were posted on the official Twitter account (making them second-party sources).

You win, UNB. Do what you want to do with that pool. Replace all the Twitter with Pixiv one. Change the pool description according to what you like. I'm not gonna intervene again

Just chiming in to repeat what I said on the Discord, namely that I don't see any reason to not use the highest quality version available in situations like this. No information is lost in the process, and in a hypothetical future where duplicates get merged, this is what would end up happening anyway

teitoku_zeon said:

You win, UNB. Do what you want to do with that pool. Replace all the Twitter with Pixiv one. Change the pool description according to what you like. I'm not gonna intervene again

It's not that deep. We didn't see, and you didn't give, a valid reason as to why we shouldn't keep the highest quality version in the pool.