
Non Paid Fantia Artworks

Posted under General

Even before paid rewards were banned I stuck to only posting "all users" posts from Fanbox though I was slowly starting to consider uploading some paid works right before the ban.

What I'd like to know is how this effects non paid content on places like Fantia that requires one to at the least just be logged in or simply being a free follower of an artist.

What kittey said. Free posts from paid sites (Patreon, Fantia, Fanbox, etc) are allowed and shouldn't be tagged as paid rewards. Posts that are follower-only but still free (for example, private posts on Pixiv or Twitter) are also allowed. It would be reasonable to create a tag for free posts that require you to be a follower of the artist to see.

I have been supporting the anime adaptation of Hajimete no Orusuban on Fantia but have just had an update saying they will be closing the paid plans at the end of the month. I don't know if any of the paid artworks will be made available for free afterward but there won't be the option for new comers to sign up for the bonus goodies.

So can the paid content from those plans can be posted after the close date?

Monki said:

I don't know if any of the paid artworks will be made available for free afterward […]

So can the paid content from those plans can be posted after the close date?

nonamethanks said:

[…] if they're obtainable without paying they're not paid rewards and thus they're allowed.