
[Tag] Which does not appear

Posted under General

Hi !

im a new member yesterday i paid to get level gold but on some tag i have this message "The database timed out running your query"
i clean the cookie and deactivate adblock but it change nothing.

Can someone help me please thank you and sorry for my bad english

Searches time out when they take too long to find results. As a gold member, you have a longer limit than ordinary users, but sometimes searches will still take longer than that.

Sometimes you can make a search faster by adding order:score to the search terms (it causes the database to use a different way of searching, which can be faster), or by changing the number of results per page with the limit: metatag (for example, limit:10 or limit:50 -- in the past, some searches have been faster with fewer results per page, and some with more results per page.)

Could you give an example of a search that isn't working?

Make sure that you're on danbooru.donmai.us and not safebooru.donmai.us, and that you have "Safe mode" disabled in your profile settings. Using Safebooru or Safe Mode while trying to look at the sex tag would cause the search to time out, because almost no sex images are rated Safe, so it takes a really long time to find those that are.