
[New Feature] Post tooltips

Posted under Bugs & Features

Definitely agreeing with an option to turn them off.

Since it lingers for so long, even after moving the cursor off the image, it makes the simple act of opening two adjacent images take a lot longer and sometimes I don't actually open the second image. I sometimes accidentally open a random tag thanks to the giant, clickable box. Especially since said box can get pretty massive with the large number of tags (which is a good thing, mind you) on some images.

Applying a userscript is a bandaid, not a fix.

Reordered, colored tags: Very nice improvement, I really like it.

Interactivity: Neat idea, but in practice it's much more annoying than useful. The only way I could see myself using it is if there were a hotkey to toggle it; if it simply had an option to disable in Settings, I'd turn it off and leave it off. (For now, I'm using Doujin Sensei's CSS from forum #146402 to make it non-interactive.)

Stuck tooltips: Annoying, and happens a lot more often than I expected.

Seeing all of the negative criticism, let me just say that I welcome the change. Sure it could use some tweaking, but the same could be said of any feature. Finally, enough of the "give me the option to disable". It's already been fixed, just not deployed yet (issue #3689).

All suggestions for tweaking are of course welcome. Just know that not everyone likes the same things, so it may still not end up how you want. However, the combination of CSS and Javacript should allow any specific customization that may be desired.

I think it would help if the tooltip was placed not directly under the cursor, but somewhere where it's less likely to be clicked on accident. For instance, a fixed position directly below the thumbnail seems like a decent spot.
Alternatively, the tooltip could be placed in an entirely separate area, possibly with a timer before disappearing to make it possible to click.
Or, as yet another alternative, instead of popping up on a mouse hover, we can have a special button near the thumbnail that would show the tooltip after an explicit button press. This should also help touchscreen users, who don't have a cursor to move.

john1980 said:

The GreaseMonkey scripts posted by evazion and BrokenEagle98 didn't work for me??

BrokenEagle98’s script was most likely for TamperMonkey. For GreaseMonkey, try this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Change QTip Delay
// @description  Change the delay on image popups
// @match        *://*.donmai.us/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

if (unsafeWindow.Danbooru && unsafeWindow.Danbooru.PostTooltip) {
    unsafeWindow.Danbooru.PostTooltip.QTIP_OPTIONS.show.delay = 1000;

unsafeWindow fixed it. Thanks, Kittey.


While we can use CSS and scripts to adjust the tooltip experience, most users don't and shouldn't have to.

The *default* tooltip experience should be updated to make them less distracting. Below are issues I ran into and ideas to deal with them.

Tooltips steal clicks

I've accidentally clicked the tooltip several times. If you happen to move your mouse down at all while going left-to-right, then there is a good chance it will be over the tooltip.
I've had to be more deliberate about moving my mouse, which is very annoying.

Things that could help:

  • Change where the tooltip appears.
  • In addition to the "enable tooltips" preference, there could be a more granular "make tooltips clickable" option.
Tooltips are too wide

evazion said:
They're 965x160, which is about the same size as the old tooltips in Chrome. Tooltips in Firefox are 480px and unlimited height (which means they can get stupidly tall - try it here - which was one of the issues with browser tooltips). Maybe this could be tweaked, but it's mostly personal preference. You can use CSS to adjust it to your liking.

I find 965 is much worse than 480:

  • It is harder to scan through the tags since your eyes have to move twice as much left-to-right
  • The tooltip covers about twice as many thumbnails to the right. Assuming users scan left-to-right most often, those are probably the worst thumbnails to cover.

The linked example is an extreme case and shouldn't influence what we do in the general case.

Solution: Significantly lower the default of 965. 480 sounds like a good start.

Might have been mentioned before but i couldn't find it.
On mobile, if you tap on an image, and after it loads you go back to the previous page, that image's tooltip will be permanently loaded until you tap on an empty area.

So this is what was happening, I wasnt sure if it was a bug or something else.

Also there are times this new feature just open these tooltip and sometimes doesn't go away at all and blocks other pictures to be clicked not sure if that's intended or what and how i found to remove it for now is to reload the pages or go to another one.

Sidenote: I also want to turn it off since is bothering.
Sidenote #2: Forgot to mention that I use Chrome.

evazion said:

Just want to update and say that I have fixes that should address many of the issues raised. They'll go out with the next site update. The new version is running on http://testbooru.donmai.us if you care to take a look. I have some further changes I'm experimenting with on http://devbooru.tk:3000/posts?tags=order:random+limit:100.

The testbooru link gave me the "Something broke" error page.

I looked at devbooru.tk and here's my feedback:

  • The tooltip is directly above the post.
    • I think that's an improvement from the current behavior (slightly below the mouse cursor).
  • The tooltip text is initially all grey. The tags don't get their colors until you move your mouse into the tooltip.
    • Without the color, it is very hard to pick out the different kinds of tags (artist, copyright, etc.). A person shouldn't have to move their mouse into the tooltip to get that.
  • It is impossible to copy text from the tooltip.
    • I can't use keyboard shortcut because the tooltip dismisses when holding down some modifier keys.
    • I can't copy text via the context menu, since the tooltip dismisses the moment you move the mouse onto the context menu.
  • The tooltip header has an X button that allows you to turn off the tooltips.
    • Good... but it requires that you login to turn them off. How many Danbooru visitors don't have an account and how many of those will want to turn the tooltips off?
  • Clicking items near the top of the tooltip is difficult. It's too easy to have your mouse overshoot, at which point the tooltip disappears.
    • Increase how far the mouse has to go for the tooltip to disappear or increase time it takes to disappear.

Hey again, had a suggestion for the tooltip if it were good and possible.

Can we perhaps collapse the tags section of the tooltip?
This so that it only shows the non general tags and has a more tags button under them for the rest.

As it is it's a wall of test that probably eats up 1/2 the screen in some cases/on smaller resolutions.
Most of the time you don't really want to see all the tags anyway. If i'm looking at the tooltip tags at all, i just look at copy, char, artist, and ... maybe the number of characters.

Yeah, I'm constantly getting it staying open when moving the mouse away, on both Opera and Waterfox. Only goes away again when I then mouse-over a different image. Can't tell if evazion's testbooru has fixed that because it's currently Failbooru.

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