
Auto-deletion appeal?

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I'm on it, though I can see ups and downs to net and chat. Chat such things can be discussed and resolved sooner, but there's no saved account of the decision and statements made. Net version takes longer, but it's more likely preserved.

Mine didn't get auto-deleted, I deleted it on the grounds that I thought the other one I had saved was larger and was going to upload that instead, and it wasn't ... :/

And since I can't re-upload it again I'm just wondering, would it be possible to get post #327705 un-deleted?

Jigsy said:
And since I can't re-upload it again I'm just wondering, would it be possible to get post #327705 un-deleted?

Reminds me of something I deleted since it was uploaded out of a perceived order, but I didn't know how things worked then as much as I do now. Can't remember just which thing it was, though the Cat In The Hat (as a cosplay, mostly) and perhaps Lucca (of CT... maybe) were involved. Don't think the related images were approved, though.

I think the idea is that you are only supposed to be appealing things close to the threshold. That particular pic was so unlikely to be accepted you shouldn't have even tried.

The proportions are awful, and a pic with monster and tentacle sex is probably less likely to be accepted then another pic given the same quality. I'd never have posted or approved it, personally.

salarta said: Is that more of "it's not appealing to me," more "it's shit," or something else?

Both. I'd never ever approve anything with that sort of content, and if I did, it'd need to be better drawn anyway.

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