
How to correctly make a new tag

Posted under Bugs & Features

Specifically, how to make character, artist and series tag correctly. Apparently, one is supposed to use the prefix character: or series: or artist: to make those types of tag. However, I am not exactly sure how I should use those prefixes. Recently, I tried to make the gloria_(sennen_sensou_aigis) character tag. I put character:gloria_(sennen_sensou_aigis) in the title field, but the resulting tag is literally named as "character:gloria_(sennen_sensou_aigis)" instead of a green-colored gloria_(sennen_sensou_aigis). Someone else ended up having to fix it. It's a bit embarrassing.

Before, I successfully made the Himekawa_Hinari tag as a character tag, but I cannot remember how I did it. I tried searching for further information about this matter but was not successful. As such, some help on this matter would be greatly appreciated, I'd rather not make such mistake again. Thank you.

Did you try to change the tag's category on the wiki instead of in the image's edit box? It may not work correctly if you try to change a tag's category on the wiki. Try just making the new tag on the image's edit box in the future. If all else fails you can also create the tag as a general blue tag, then find the tag on the tag list, then find the tag and edit its category manually.

That's a wiki entry where character: is not needed. The tag itself was just fine, you can see it in the tag history at post #2216588.

If you tried to edit the tag by creating a wiki entry that is what you did wrong. Just add (or change) the new tag to the post like any other tag.

Edit: Heh, too slow.

Oooooooh, so that's how it is. Alright, I get it now. Now that you mentioned it, that seems to be how I was able to make the other tag correctly back then, by editing it directly in the post instead.
Thanks a lot to both of you. Really appreciated the help to clear this confusion on my part.