
Aliasing forks, spoons, spork to holding_eating_utensil

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BUR #25450 has been rejected.

create alias holding_fork -> holding_eating_utensil
create alias holding_spoon -> holding_eating_utensil
create alias holding_spork -> holding_eating_utensil

I fail to see the reason to have these. Similar to how we treat holding_ball and all the various type of those.

Edit: If your going to downvote it can you explain if its the name of if you just think its a stupid idea?


What about spoons and forks that are used for cooking or serving, like for example a carving fork which is normally used for cutting and serving meat? If we're lumping forks, spoons, and sporks together why should something like holding chopsticks be left out of this alias; more so given if the other utensils can be lumped together despite being visually distinguishable then why lump some and not other "eating utensils?"

Chopsticks are left out because they are distinct and I believe there are different from the others because you don't get pictures like post #7440618 with chopsticks.

Again I find it to be pointless granularity and again defer to something like holding ball or holding phone where there is no meaningful difference in the picture with if the character is talking on flip_phone or smart_phone. Similarly there is no difference if a character is eating with a fork or spoon and you'd just as soon do a broad utensil search.

I guess I'm in the minority though.


xcv450 said:

Wouldn't this merge cause a bunch of stuff end up tagged with fork and/or spoon even if there aren't any forks/spoons in the image? Doesn't exactly seem a good idea.

Yeah I should have included lines to remove those implications. Seeing as I'm the only one who finds have three tags for this to be meaningless I'll just reject it.
