
Pool Vandalism

Posted under General

スラッシュ said: Don't come crying to me when it gets vandalized again... At least restoring will be easier now.

Was there a consensus on leaving it locked? I didn't know. It just sounded like the changes albert made were the changes people were looking for, and thus it was safe to open it. Only creators and mods can delete the pool, and only registered members can make changes.


The entire Chibi Miku-san image pool was removed! I thought only mod/contributors/janitors can remove images now!


Apparently, I read it wrong... registered members can remove images from pools... Guess what those 4chan assholes did...?

I'm sick and tired of these 4chan faggots just waltzing in and doing shit like this!

Fencedude said:
For the record I totally support restricting the ability to delete from pools to priviledged and above.

+1 from me.

Let's prevent kiddy nerd-rages from being even more annoying than they inherently are already.

aldeayeah said:
-1 for restrictions.

The damage wasn't so bad, and it's revertable.

I'd have to argue that damage prevention is the issue here, and letting any mouthbreather just mass-create accounts to potentially keep on vandalizing doesn't really help anything.

There won't be any need for extra work to revert post deletion vandalism/damage if it can't even happen for Member-level accounts in the first place.

Yes, more restrictions probably wouldn't feel very good. I'm not disagreeing with you about that at all; but in light of the bigger picture, it would be a nice way to prevent excessive pool vandalism while on the other hand not really causing Member-level users to lose anything truly significant.

This isn't the same as restricting other options that may negatively impact a Member's ability to rise to Privileged level. From what I can see, disallowing Members to delete from pools nips a potentially huge problem in the bud while not really harming their chances at standing out to the higher-ups for possible promotion.

Can't we make it so that the pools can only be delete if approve by Mods and pictures can only be removed by them too if approved? Like when you upload a new pic.
This may make it harder for people to try to remove.

But I think we already said something like that right?

aldeayeah said:
The damage wasn't so bad, and it's revertable.

Tell that to the person who fixed the Chibi Miku-san pool all by himself... me.

I'll admit that the repair wasn't as hard as I thought, but believe you me, it wasn't as easy either.

The problem I can perceive with the current system on Pools is that deleting images from a given Pool is much easier than adding images to it. Even if you do know the tricks to Importing and Ordering (like I do), any other bastard can simply just tick the "Delete Mode" on and starting clicking away like retards. It is not a very good balance.

holocauxt said:
Tell that to the person who fixed the Chibi Miku-san pool all by himself... me.

I'll admit that the repair wasn't as hard as I thought, but believe you me, it wasn't as easy either.

The problem I can perceive with the current system on Pools is that deleting images from a given Pool is much easier than adding images to it. Even if you do know the tricks to Importing and Ordering (like I do), any other bastard can simply just tick the "Delete Mode" on and starting clicking away like retards. It is not a very good balance.

So we(well, more like them or they) should probably take away the delete mode again, like with the pool bar. That somewhat helped alittle if you really think about it but it may cause more problems somewhere in the future.
But I think that still should be reconsidered alittle.

holocauxt said:
Tell that to the person who fixed the Chibi Miku-san pool all by himself... me.

Well I almost feel bad saying it when you put it like that, but you probably did unnecessary work.

Waiting until someone came along who could revert it should be easier, less error prone, and cause less inflation of the pool history. I don't know for a fact that it's trivial to revert but it at least could and should be.

The history's right there, and if I had suspected that anyone might try to restore it by hand, I'd have tried something automated. It would still leave an annoying mark on the pool history, but at least it wouldn't be much manual work.

I will work on adding revert to pool changes. The main issue is I don't keep track of the post order presently. Searching for changes by user is also probably useful.

I think tag and wiki history is pretty well covered. I'm not sure how easy it is to revert note vandalism.

I'm not sure if artists need to be versioned. Probably.

-1 to restricting post deleting. That would be a bit mean to all the well-behaved members trying to use pools.

How about just expanding the "no posting for a week" thing that new members have to stuff like deleting from pools? You could still end up with someone creating sleeper accounts for vandalism, but I would expect an idiot to be less likely to bother.

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