
Imply Coconut to Fruit

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I guess this one depends on what we understand a "fruit" to be. In botanical terms, a coconut is unquestionably a fruit. But then again, so are tomatoes, pumpkins, string beans, and pistachios, and none of these are widely regarded as culinary fruits.

For what it's worth, coconut fruit currently brings up 127 of the 705 posts tagged coconut. But this paints an incomplete picture, as coconuts are commonly paired with other fruits such as pineapples and bananas and limes. Whittling these search results down—with exclusions and manually removing posts where other fruits are present but not tagged, like post #3377058 and post #3960407—leaves us with 35 posts where coconuts are tagged fruit and no other fruits are pictured. So it would seem that, at least among Danbooru's userbase, coconuts are regarded as fruits at least 5% of the time.

iridescent_slime said:

I guess this one depends on what we understand a "fruit" to be. In botanical terms, a coconut is unquestionably a fruit. But then again, so are tomatoes, pumpkins, string beans, and pistachios, and none of these are widely regarded as culinary fruits.

Beans are vegetables and Pistachios are legumes.

Naikun_2ndImpact said:

Beans are vegetables and Pistachios are legumes.

Green beans(or string beans) are actually fruits, not vegetables. Pistachios are also fruits, the thing you eat is the seed, and it doesn't meet the criteria to be a legume.