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Animal Ear Implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #7959 has been rejected.


create implication aardwolf_ears -> animal_ears
create implication anteater_ears -> animal_ears
create implication antelope_ears -> animal_ears
create implication armadillo_ears -> animal_ears
create implication badger_ears -> animal_ears
create implication camel_ears -> animal_ears
create implication cheetah_ears -> animal_ears
create implication chipmunk_ears -> animal_ears
create implication donkey_ears -> animal_ears
create implication elephant_ears -> animal_ears
create implication hedgehog_ears -> animal_ears
create implication hyena_ears -> animal_ears
create implication meerkat_ears -> animal_ears
create implication okapi_ears -> animal_ears
create implication ox_ears -> animal_ears
create implication pangolin_ears -> animal_ears
create implication panther_ears -> animal_ears
create implication porcupine_ears -> animal_ears
create implication red_panda_ears -> animal_ears
create implication skunk_ears -> animal_ears
create implication stoat_ears -> animal_ears
create implication tasmanian_devil_ears -> animal_ears

aardwolfs, anteaters, antelopes, armadilloes, badgers, camels, cheetahs, chinchillas, chipmunks, donkeys, elephants, hedgehogs, hyenas, lemurs, meerkats, okapis, oxen, pangolins, panthers, porcupines, possums, red pandas, skunks, stoats, and tasmanian devils are all animals.

Serious question: how many of these animal ears tags would be identifiable as belonging to their respective animal if you were looking only at the ears and didn't know the identity of the character? Do the ears of a panther look markedly different from those of other felines? Why do we tag ox ears separately from cow ears when they're the same species?

I'm of the opinion that every *_ears tag that only gets used by one or two major copyrights should be summarily nuked. Same goes for the corresponding *_tail tags. We've already discussed this at length in topic #13915 and topic #18773, so I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Unless there is more than a few character bearing a type of animal_ears (or any taggable characteristic for that matter), it really makes no sense to use it as a tag, imo.

Example: tasmanian_devil_ears -tasmanian_devil_(kemono_friends) -australian_devil_(kemono_friends) gives zero results, as this tag always overlaps with these two characters.

I don't oppose implicating these tags to animal_ears, I do oppose these tags existing in the first place (which nullifies the need to implicate them, by extension).

I went through all the animals in the proposal and looked to see whether someone familiar with the animal is likely to be identify the ears if well-drawn:
aardwolf - maybe
anteater - yes. They're pretty distinctive actually
antelope - no. look just like deer
armadillo - yes
badger - maybe
camel - maybe
cheetah - no but... indistinguishable from similar animals like leopards and jaguars but distinct from smaller cats or lions. Not sure what the best way to deal with this would be. leopard ears is much more common than cheetah ears
chipmunk - no. looks similar to a whole host of other rodents. I'd probably tag it as rat ears if i saw without knowing they were for chipmunks.
donkey - yes. Very distinctive ears.
elephant - yes. of course.
hedgehog - no.
hyena - no. Different hyenas have very different ears, and all look more similar to completely different animals than they do to other hyenas.
meerkat - yes
okapi - maybe. look like a deer but wider.
ox - no. Put in cow ears. Silly tag.
pangolin - No - would be yes in as much as they're almost invisible among the pangolin's scales. But nothing in the tag actually looks like pangolin ears, to the point where in pictures with more than one character I can't tell which is meant to be the pangolin.
panther - no. See cheetah, although most pictures of 'panther' are more cat-like than any in there. Also, leopards and jaguars are both types of panther, but get their own tag?
porcupine - no. the ears of a porcupine are usually completely concealed by spines. Even when they are visible they aren't distinctive. Just small rodent ears.
red panda - maybe. very distinctive colouring, completely nondescript shape.
skunk - maybe
stoat - no. Merge with weasel_ears.
tasmanian devil - maybe.

Anything with 'no' in the above list should probably be nuked. Anything with 'yes' should probably be kept and implicated.

Anything with maybe could go either way.