
Imply School Uniform to Uniform

Posted under Tags

if the most known uniform in anime doesnt imply uniform, then what's the point of having an umbrella uniform tag?

EB said:

uniform looks like a very generalized tag, but I'm unsure how broad we should make it. Frankly I feel like leaving out school_uniform, maid, waitress, and gym_uniform.

seems like a really arbitrary distinction, and topic #9594 doesnt have any arguments against implying school uniform

Post count for uniform school_uniform : 22270

I mean it's really not the strongest argument since semantically the implication is obviously correct, but it might be nice to not need to negate a tag to get a useful search out of uniform. We've made decisions with regards to swamping tags in the past.

The overlap might largely come from the fact that the pixiv tag "制服" / "seifuku" is both the commonly (typically) used word for "school uniform" but also just means "uniform" in generally. It therefore shows up in the "translated tags" on upload and people understandably click on it. That might be another argument in favor of the implication, but I still don't like the idea personally.

i scanned through -cheerleader -team_magma_uniform -fleur_de_lapin_uniform -chaldea_uniform -fast_food_uniform -naval_uniform -garreg_mach_monastery_uniform -police -hooters -military_uniform uniform -school_uniform and pretty much they all fall into a few categories

  • untagged military uniforms
  • untagged school uniforms and serafukus
  • untagged office ladies
  • untagged sports uniforms
  • some series with a specific uniform name that wasnt tagged uniform as well

even if the searcher is one of those "i like ladies in uniform", they can just search the specific uniform they want to jack off to, like police or travel_attendant. either the uniform tag needs to have some stupid caveat like "only use this for working uniforms but also sometimes school uniforms or fate uniforms or pokemon uniforms or blah blah blah", or school uniform should be implied to it

pretty much every uniform has a specific tag, and people can search that if they are worried about flooding. if the searcher needs an umbrella uniform tag, they are probably thinking something like "hmmmm i remember it was shiki eiki but i dont remember what kind of uniform it was", do shiki_eiki uniform, and come out with something like post #1401806 or if school uniform is implied, post #450753

I don't get the point of having an umbrella tag like this if we are just going to ignore certain tags that definitely fall under it for no good reason. If someone doesn't want to see school uniforms specifically they can just do uniform -school_uniform—the same as if they don't want to see any other specific type of uniform. Much more convenient than trying to do a huge OR search for every type of uniform you do want to see.

iridescent_slime said:

The number of posts tagged uniform nude solo has me wondering if anyone actually cares about the uniform tag, or if it's just another umbrella tag that never gets gardened.

I amused myself by cleaning uniform nude solo. Though there where certainly obvious misstags, most of the posts are down to accessories. Does a hat and a pair of gloves constitute a military uniform?

Uniform is ofcourse somewhat subjective. Like nudist beach uniform should not be tagged uniform since it really isnt very uniform at all.

Uniform is a bad, overly broad tag and school uniform is incredibly common, meaning uniform would be almost entirely school uniforms. Useless.

If you really want to find school uniforms and military uniforms and maid uniforms and everything else all in one search, you can do ~school_uniform ~military_uniform ~maid etc or *uniform*. I claim no one actually needs this.

I really hate these huge umbrella tags that are just like "here's a bunch of superficially similar tags that have the same root word, let's make an umbrella tag for them. Why? Just because."

evazion said:

Uniform is a bad, overly broad tag and school uniform is incredibly common, meaning uniform would be almost entirely school uniforms. Useless.

If you really want to find school uniforms and military uniforms and maid uniforms and everything else all in one search, you can do ~school_uniform ~military_uniform ~maid etc or *uniform*. I claim no one actually needs this.

I really hate these huge umbrella tags that are just like "here's a bunch of superficially similar tags that have the same root word, let's make an umbrella tag for them. Why? Just because."

I'm sorry.