
kinda a bummer,

Posted under General

lots of stuff is closed, and the only way to get to it is to be invited, hmm, this kinda sucks, and the tags arent really working much, well, at least chickens are fed. wish someone invited me, but since l'm a very evil person no one will ever do that, life sux but me no worries, l would like to know why this is working that way, l been looking at the help stuff and found no info about reasons for such treatment.

Updated by Marbleshoot

Wht? Not difficult to understand.
With that method, we are sure the persons who like really danbooru not only for his hentai pictures help the site with many pictures, comments, etc...
But it's not to me to explain that. ;)

cheese said:
It's good that you are trying to contribute, but posting 57 comments within a 2 hour period is usually not a good idea.

In his case, probably not a good idea to post a third "i need a porn fix HELP" thread either.

durr bump

cheese said:
It's good that you are trying to contribute, but posting 57 comments within a 2 hour period is usually not a good idea.

Indeed. If you want to post so much, click the "do not bump" checkbox. Otherwise, you end up hogging the recent comments page, and people don't see other comments they need to see.
For example, I posted a message for cheese under post #139952, and it's on page 9 now, so he probably missed it.

This is a terrible sort of topic to make, but I'd like to point out that Danbooru is far from a 'closed' community. Even with an unprivileged account, there's a lot you can get out of the site, and plenty of ways to contribute to it... obnoxious comment spamming aside.