
oyatsu_(mk2) is currently being used by two different artists?

Posted under Tags

The context: oyatsu_(mk2), after a long drought of Pixiv content, uploaded a few Twitter pics, it seems. So, I go to add them to the collection, when I see a bunch of Kemono Friends comics, that didn't look like their style at all, on its first page.

At first I thought that was really strange, because this artist seems to favor more old-school and/or obscure stuff; but, if they suddenly became obsessed with Kemono Friends, good for them, I guess... even if it's not their usual flair.

...but, after clicking on the images out of curiosity, I think that's not at all what it's happening: Right now, the oyatsu_(mk2) tag is being used by two totally different artists. (x_x) There's just no way they're the same folk.

How does one fix this?


Everything drawn in a newer style comes from the Pixiv account ころは (koroha) or the Twitter account coroha12. I’m pretty sure it’s a different artist.

Maybe the artist tag was added by accident and the artist finder then started suggesting that artist on subsequent uploads or the artist finder started it off with a wrong suggestion? No idea how to untangle that to prevent the artist finder from suggesting the wrong artist.

I guess the incorrectly tagged images must be re-tagged manually.