
Tag Implication: blush_stickers -> blush

Posted under General

jjj14 said:
The way I see it, blush_stickers are just a stylistic convention and blush is the face actually becoming red from embarrassment. I'd like to keep them separate.

part of me believes you on that, but blush stickers can also be used as a regular blushing method. It just depends on the artist. But for the most part, they're two different things.

Algasir said:
In that case, then the blush tag should be added when necessary, not as an implication.

I agree.

Blush stickers are often added as a stylistic choice in character design, not necessarily as an emotive reaction. Usually it's done to characters who are young and energetic ("in the flush of youth", as it were).
Easy example: Ed of Cowboy Bebop.

An implication here would be incorrect.