
Danbooru for android

Posted under General

Update 2001/06/15
Danbo 1.0.0 available on the market !

Update 2011/06/14
rc2 available: http://danbooru.donmai.us/forum/show/63393

Update 2011/06/12 :
RC available, see http://danbooru.donmai.us/forum/show/63310

Hey everybody !

I'm a CS student and owner of a HTC hero. I was bored during the summer holidays so I started coding a danbooru client for android.

What it does right now :

  • List posts
  • View a post
  • Set a post as the wallpaper

There are some configurable options :

  • danbooru host (you can browse any danbooru based website)
  • rating (safe by default)

Probable next features are :

  • search by tag name
  • save image on SD Card/Internal memory

I only tested this in the emulator and my own hardware, and I need some testers to try and break (not difficult right now) this application.

By the way, if you have some fun name for it, please post suggestions !

update : http://github.com/edp/danbo

Updated by Oloro

I'm an self taught programmer, so wouldn't be able to help out too much on that end, but I do have access to 3 different android systems to test on, including one that can run many different builds of Android. I do hope you haven't quit...

natsanugi, I think it would've been more prominent to have messaged him (or sent a message via Github) instead. You're more likely to get a response that way.

(also, who says that being a self-taught programmer means mean you can't code? Sounds like you might just be having confidence issues =P)

Do not hesitate to clone the github repo and hack on your end. I have been very busy for the last few months and didn't have time to work on danbo, but I think I'll be able to update the app very soon. If you have tested the application on your phones I'll be very happy to hear your feedback. I changed my phone since (HTC Desire) and there are scaling problems, the GUI is using fixed size right now ...

I posted a new build today :

Quick high level changelog :

  • The post list is displayed correctly on all screen sizes
  • You can save a post on your sd card
  • Loading messages are displayed everywhere they are needed
  • By default 20 posts are loaded, there will be a setting to change this later
  • Next/Previous page were removed, it was working, but not very efficiently
  • Basic work on tags : you can display the 100 most used tags, and click on one to display the latest posts with that tag
  • The app is only portrait mode for now

As always I appreciate feedback/bug reports here or on github :)

The first "official" release (on the market too) is right around the corner.

A release candidate is available on github : https://github.com/edp/danbo

New features :

  • you can search using the "search" key on your phone
  • you can set the number of posts per page in the preferences
  • hosts are now hardcoded with a list, ask me if you want more hosts
  • you can (finally) get to the next page of posts (not the previous ones for now)

Lots of fixes too.

As always, feedback is very appreciated :)

Testing it out on my Nexus One. Seems to work very well. No bugs so far. I like the new updates. If your opening to suggestions here are a few:

- In the previous version, the images were displayed 3 per row. Now its two per row. Can you add an option in the preference to switch it back between the 2. The images now are larger, but more blurry since the thumbnail images are enlarged.

- For rating in preference can we have an option to view all, rather than filtering between either safe, explict and questionable.

- As for other hosts, how about chan.sankakucomplex.com

After using it a bit more, I notice that some tags load fine while others don't load at all. The progress bar stays at 0% and doesn't go nowhere. Eventually, the progress bar disappears with no images shown.

Thank you for the feedback :)

In the previous version, the images were displayed 3 per row. Now its two per row. Can you add an option in the preference to switch it back between the 2. The images now are larger, but more blurry since the thumbnail images are enlarged.

Might as well use 3 per row as default, I need to check how it looks on smaller screen devices. I don't even know why I changed that.

For rating in preference can we have an option to view all, rather than filtering between either safe, explict and questionable.

I'll add an option for "all" ratings.

As for other hosts, how about chan.sankakucomplex.com

Added in git, will be in 1.0

After using it a bit more, I notice that some tags load fine while others don't load at all. The progress bar stays at 0% and doesn't go nowhere. Eventually, the progress bar disappears with no images shown.

Looking into it, I have this bug sometimes too ...

All right, 1.0-rc2 just landed:

  • 3 posts per row, try this on your device and tell me if everything looks ok, I tried only with 2 screen resolutions
  • A new value for the "rating" preference : All
  • Please update your "posts per page" preference too, I changed the available values to 12/18/24/36
  • Some cosmetics changes: icons for menu items

Available there: https://github.com/edp/danbo/danbo-1.0-rc2.apk/qr_code

As always, glad to hear positive and negative feedback :)

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