


I watched a playthrough of Xenosaga one many years ago and I barely remember any of it. Could someone please remind me why all those Kirschwassers followed Albedo despite how horribly he treated them?

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    Monki said:

    I watched a playthrough of Xenosaga one many years ago and I barely remember any of it. Could someone please remind me why all those Kirschwassers followed Albedo despite how horribly he treated them?

    Stockholm Syndrome

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    Monki said:

    I watched a playthrough of Xenosaga one many years ago and I barely remember any of it. Could someone please remind me why all those Kirschwassers followed Albedo despite how horribly he treated them?

    I wrote about that on this site a few years ago.

    Long story short, Realians were created to serve humans. For 15 years, Albedo was stranded with the Kirschwassers in a pocket dimension. Albedo has an immortality complex, that is he's afraid of outliving others and being left alone. And although Realians are artificial and generally sturdier than humans, they still need maintenance and other services performed on them to remain functioning. After a few years, they started to malfunction, and there was nothing he could do for them.

    Even as they slowly fell apart though, they still wanted to serve him. In his eyes, he was surrounded by an encroaching death that would consume everyone but himself. To cope, he took to abusing them in...various ways, but again, they exist to serve humans. The way in which they serve doesn't matter.


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    NegativeSoul said:

    This panel feels like something Nihei Tsutomu would draw.

    Hell, Signalis itself seems like something he'd dream up.

    I'm glad others noticed. I have yet to play it but Signalis looks like Blame reimagined as a videogame, with a Safeguard protagonist (it's why I bought this game in the first place).

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