


I recognize some of the pictures in the light are CEs and scenes from the LB story. And a random picture of Morgan.

Then the Temple of Time on the far left.

But I'm lost on the pictures behind Oberon.
Based on the colour scheme, I can figure out that the middle one shows Musashi.
The upper one... maybe someone else can tell who's depicted there, I can't.
And the two lower ones... Absolutely no clue, way too undefined. Right picture: maybe the storm boarder?
Left picture: Could be anyone. Seriously, from the look alone, that might as well be either Charlie Chaplin or Adolf Hitler.

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    Sloth - Could easily be Yukari, or Mokou.
    Greed - Megumu probably fits this best.
    Gluttony - Yuuma, if you're taking it seriously.
    Lust - Koishi, in terms of pure hedonism. Could also make the case that Tenshi fits this better, causing chaos just to feel something (in which case, Zanmu or Okina could take over pride)

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