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Getting rid of needlessly vauge "Clothes" tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #26444 is pending approval.

deprecate diagonal-striped_clothes
deprecate vertical-striped_clothes
deprecate horizontal-striped_clothes
deprecate striped_clothes
deprecate gradient_clothes

Both of these tags are covered by more specific article of clothing tags diagonal-striped_bow, gradient_ribbon, ect.

I don't see a reason to have a broad ambiguous grouping tag when we don't do the same for other patterns. If you disagree please see forum #281344 to make gradient_clothes a proper umbrella tag.

World_Funeral said:

Sounds good, but I think you should include horizontal-striped_clothes and vertical-striped_clothes as well. For the default horizontal ones, there's already striped clothes.

Thank you! Would have included them if I saw them initially.

Again, everyone if this doesn't gel with you please see World Funerals BUR if the tags must exists they should have our *_gradient tags implied to it, but I think following the example of tags like black clothes deprecation there isn't much point in searching for "Clothes"
