Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Defense DOWN [III] on All enemies & Magia Damage UP [III] on All allies for 3 turns (cooldown 12 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Defense DOWN [III] on All enemies & Magia Damage UP [VI] on All allies for 3 turns (cooldown 10 turns) Description (JP): いつものファストフード店に集まって いろんな話題が飛び交って、ちょっとケンカもしたりして なんてことのない日常のワンシーンは中学生らしいもの 聞いていた話そのままで、思わず笑顔がこぼれちゃった Description (ENG): We gathered at the usual fast food restaurant. A lot of topics were discussed, and we even had a little fight. A scene from an ordinary day, typical of middle school students. It was exactly what I had heard, and I couldn't help but smile.