

Categories: All, New, General, Tags, Bugs & Features

Title Status Creator Updated by Updated at
magazine → _(object) approved ion288 DanbooruBot
kinesis utility aliases approved user 499293 evazion
Change Youtube tag into "copyright" category TrueKringe user 499293
New tag: thin_eyebrows or line_eyebrows Nell nonamethanks
Feature request: Add a way to make new saved searches on the 'manage saved searches' page Nell Naikun 2ndImpact
create alias legs_lock -> leg_lock approved Admiral Pectoral DanbooruBot
Food-Themed Hair Ornament Implications approved klorpa DanbooruBot
Star Wars Utility Aliases approved HeeroWingZero DanbooruBot
Hat Ornament Implications approved klorpa DanbooruBot
Missing sweater vest implications approved Nameless Contributor DanbooruBot
Requesting Tattoo Implications approved klorpa DanbooruBot
alias burning_background -> fiery_background approved nonamethanks DanbooruBot
rename marci_(defense_of_the_ancients) approved user 499293 DanbooruBot
Schwarzesmarken -> MuvLuv Alternative implication approved HeeroWingZero DanbooruBot
bisexual_(*) -> bisexual_* approved nonamethanks DanbooruBot
alias pulling_another's_hair -> grabbing_another's_hair approved nonamethanks DanbooruBot
Imply Arcane to League of Legends approved Nacha DanbooruBot
Disambiguating Jahy-sama's Other Characters approved VR-Man DanbooruBot
Impossible-to-distinguish Tag Replacement approved MFZbdude Shinjidude
imply sword of dios -> sword rejected user 15128 mortalkombachan