
an immage

Posted under General

ok i asked a bit ago if i could fix immages here that arnt put together right ot if i should take out the little marks on immages and i was told not to, but here is a new one.

i have a png that is 20336x10630 299dpi and is 124 mb big, it is a poster i believe for Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, and i just looked through the ones tageged Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and a smaller version wasnt uploaded.

i want to know should i edit it down to 10% of its normal size, that should still be more than enough, i have it loaded up in photoshop looking at it, and i think that is enough, and its still realy big even than

Updated by LaC

kumarei said:
Even putting aside the spelling, what the hell are you doing with a 20334x10630 picture? Why do you have a six foot wide poster? I'm absolutely dumbfounded by this entire post.

i got it almost a year off i belive either megaupload or a torrent. ant the thing is in no wy that pig in reality, it was just scanned realy realy big. i lust edited it down to 10% because to see the big immage takes almost 7 min to load. its doen to 2 megs. shuld i upload it or not, sence i had to edit it down?

and also my spelling sucks, everyone who knows me either knows or finds out eventualy. and if i had to spellcheck every thing i typed i wouldent even bother going on the internet.

alidan said:
and if i had to spellcheck every thing i typed i wouldent even bother going on the internet.

Well, here, you have three choices. Either you can learn to spell properly, or you can spellcheck before you post, or you can just not post. Your choice. But please, don't post with that quality of writing - it shows that you don't consider true coffee communication to be a priority, and that's not taken well here.

Boco said:
Well, here, you have three choices. Either you can learn to spell properly, or you can spellcheck before you post, or you can just not post. Your choice. But please, don't post with that quality of writing - it shows that you don't consider true coffee communication to be a priority, and that's not taken well here.

spell sheck dosent help, when i see 5 or 6 words that all look allike and if i try to sound it out sound more or less identical. and when i am told look in a dictionary, if i dont know how to spell the word than a dictionary is useless and im going to say this as nicely as i can, dont take it the wrong way but i realy dot feal like spending 15-20 minits on eveything i type is spelled correctly, granted if the spelling actualy matters, i try a bit harder and may look up a word or two, but when you can read the post good and know what im talking about, than why bother makeing shure it is all spellt right. now if not haveing perfect spelling makes it so i can become privilaged than i real dont care, with being able to see all the safe and questionable immages im good, i can get hentai anywhere else.

now back to my question, should i post the resized immage or not?

alidan said:
ant the thing is in no wy that pig in reality, it was just scanned realy realy big.

Does that mean it's crappy quality? why was it saved as png then? Anyways if your resize actually looks good and is not a dupe, I don't see why you should not upload it.

Almatia said:
Does that mean it's crappy quality? why was it saved as png then? Anyways if your resize actually looks good and is not a dupe, I don't see why you should not upload it.

o wow, ok that was bad, but it was more typeing mistakes than my actual bad spelling, mainly due to a lack of sleep caused be my little brother not leting me after i beat strangelhold and conan.

and im asking because last time i asked something like this people complained, granted its a bit different than the last time but the immage is still edited. ill up load it than.

alidan said: and im asking because last time i asked something like this people complained, granted its a bit different than the last time but the immage is still edited. ill up load it than.

There's a difference between resizing an image when it's huge (far too huge to upload) and doing creative" editing. Something like this is fine of course.