
Pixiv API authentication

Posted under General

Anybody know how to work authentication with the pixiv API nowadays? Up to when I last used it 2 months ago, all I needed to do was pass in the PHPSESSID=[blah] from my browser cookies in a Cookie header with my requests, but that doesn't seem to have any effect anymore, since I'm getting this kind of result for R-18 images:

http://spapi.pixiv.net/iphone/illust.php?illust_id=34940742 nets me

"0","5398937","jpg","亜美ちゃん拘束","116","よしぽ","http://source.pixiv.net/source/mobile/images/limit_r18_128x128.jpg",,,"http://source.pixiv.net/source/mobile/images/limit_r18_240ms.jpg",,,"2013-04-11 18:04:05","R-18 コピック 手描き アナログ 水野亜美 セーラーマーキュリー おっぱい ニーソ 拘束 監禁","コピック","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",,,"1",,,"http://i2.pixiv.net/img116/profile/yahuoku/mobile/5858508_80.jpg",


i'm currently using just a browser at the moment but i got

"34940742","5398937","jpg","亜美ちゃん拘束","116","よしぽ","http://i2.pixiv.net/img116/img/yahuoku/mobile/34940742_128x128.jpg",,,"http://i2.pixiv.net/img116/img/yahuoku/mobile/34940742_480mw.jpg",,,"2013-04-11 18:04:05","R-18 コピック 手描き アナログ 水野亜美 セーラーマーキュリー おっぱい ニーソ 拘束 監禁","コピック","9","86","96","明日ヤフオク出品予定です。可愛く描けない…",,,,"1","0","yahuoku",,"1",,,"http://i2.pixiv.net/img116/profile/yahuoku/mobile/5858508_80.jpg",

is this the right response? if yes, i also just add &PHPSESSID=$phpsessid . the browser tells me it will expire after one month. have you tried renewing the $phpsessid? maybe it should be the case?