
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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kittey said:

You might be able to fix it by removing all posts and adding them again. That would make it harder to debug, though.

My guess is that the pool data has all the post IDs but the post data doesn’t have the pool ID.

Problem is I don't own the pool and because of that I don't think delete the images from the pool from the pool management side.

I considered doing the image by image addition to the pool but wanted to have it looked to figure out why before I did that.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Problem is I don't own the pool and because of that I don't think delete the images from the pool from the pool management side.

I considered doing the image by image addition to the pool but wanted to have it looked to figure out why before I did that.

Shall I delete the pool entirely start over again?

ADT555 said:

I have a pool that is doing this as well. I tried deleting and making a new pool but it did not help so I deleted the new pool and undeleted the old.

Then I tried removing and re-adding the images, that worked.

It worked as you said

evazion said:

Don't touch the pool the next time this happens. Also describe how you added the images to the pool when you first created it.

To describe the situation, as soon as I uploaded the pictures. Without waiting for it to be approved, I created a pool right away and started to add the pictures by simply putting in the id code into the 'post' box like 3312894

Here's a greasemonkey/tampermonkey script to fix the pool link...

// ==UserScript==
// @name         FixPoolMenuLink
// @version      1.0
// @description  Replace Pools link in top nav with original link.
// @match        *://*.donmai.us/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    $("menu.main li#nav-pools a").attr('href','/pools')

忍猫 said:

Why do certain posts such as post #822490 show a frame around the thumbnail meaning it is part of a pool, but the pool doesn't show up under the image?

For one thing it's not part of a pool, but it has parent-child relation. I don't know if you can see deleted posts, because the child of that post is deleted. So you can see the relation, but not see the post itself.

忍猫 said:

Why do certain posts such as post #822490 show a frame around the thumbnail meaning it is part of a pool, but the pool doesn't show up under the image?

PhoenixG said:

For one thing it's not part of a pool, but it has parent-child relation. I don't know if you can see deleted posts, because the child of that post is deleted. So you can see the relation, but not see the post itself.

It is part of a number of pools, but the pools are deleted, so they don't show up under the image.

One way you can see the pools on a post even if they don't show up, is by checking out the API endpoint.


They're listed under the value "pool string".

PhoenixG said:

For one thing it's not part of a pool, but it has parent-child relation. I don't know if you can see deleted posts, because the child of that post is deleted. So you can see the relation, but not see the post itself.

It is part of a pool. It also has one parent and one deleted child.

Edit: I realized that my BBB settings give the image the purple border if it is part of a pool, even if the pool is deleted.