
Could I get the assistance of someone who can read Japanese?

Posted under General

I hate to impose, but I've been beating my head against something and I need help.

I'm writing a FAQ for Super Robot Wars Alpha 3, and I'm including a complete explanation of all the menus, but there's a few that I just can't for the life of me figure out what they do.

If I could just get someone to tell me what these options say, I'm sure I can work it out from there.


I did my best on the picture quality, but even with a top of the line digital camera, taking pictures off of a TV is still obnoxious.

I will be eternally grateful for any help.


並び替え reorder
解散 disperse
P登録 register player
P削除 delete player
Pリスト list players
全やり直し start over

移動力重視 prioritize mobility
攻撃力重視 prioritize attack power
防衛力重視 prioritize defense power
特殊能力 special powers
特殊技能 special techniques
精神コマンド mental command

Preferentially include units with a high mobility in the platoon.