once again, I keep getting J-list adds covering comments and pictures again. wasn't this problem solved already?
also, is anyone else having this problem when posting on forums?
Posted under General
once again, I keep getting J-list adds covering comments and pictures again. wasn't this problem solved already?
also, is anyone else having this problem when posting on forums?
Using chrome here. For high-res images, the J-list is placed right below the left menu, elongating the page vertically. When the image is resized, the J-list moves to the right of the image, elongating the page horizontally without reducing the vertical length of the image (so a large area below the image is an empty space).
Well then, as a work-around, you all should buck-up and send Albert that $20 for a privileged account :-)
glasnost said:
Yeah, it's not like ad revenues are used to pay for running the site or anything.ಠ_ಠ
I just block the one that appears on the right since the other ads wouldn't look natural when they're not there. I'll shut it off when it looks like there is a fix. So I'll just feel moderately guilty until then.
Bapabooiee said:
As far as the DText reference covering the input box, are you using a browser that isn't Firefox or Chrome? It doesn't seem to happen in those browsers, but does in others such as Opera.I've filed a ticket on this a while ago.
I know I had this problem with the dtext with firefox for a long time.
The ad is fine(though annoying) on undeleted images for me. Doesn't cover up anything.
It becomes a rather big problem on deleted images though, because it covers everything on the left side of the page. All the tags, the editing tools, the search bar, etc.
EDIT: Actually, if the undeleted image is low enough resolution, the ad will cover the comments section.
here's some more problems I'm having.
It's really hard to read comments with the j-list blocking the comment section (especially when viewing 4koma strips), you'll have to zoom it until the letters are so big, also it's hard to view the source when the picture was deleted.
EDIT: I also add that the links from the comments plus the source are cannot be selected when viewing a deleted post.
For me, the ad is fine normally, but if I expand an image to full size the ad stays in the same position and thus covers the enlarged image.
More annoyingly, the deleted image problem where the ad blocks everything on the left also applies to loli/shota tagged images and renders the post untouchable. I was uploading loli images with the loli tag temporarily removed so I could add translations, then added it once I was done. Then I realized I had messed something up but it was too late to go back, can't edit the post anymore because of the ad.
I've never had a need for Adblock but I might have to just use it temporarily
Alignn said:
Many thanks to whoever fixed this.
fixed? it's not fixed at all.
edit: ok. even MORE problems now. now sometimes when I search for something, NOTHING comes up.
and now, whenever I create a comment and end up at the current comments, there's NO pictures whatsoever.
they're still there my friend.