
Tag Implication: strip_mahjong, tenbou, mahjong_tile -> mahjong

Posted under General

Implicating strip_mahjong, tenbou, mahjong_tile -> mahjong.

strip_mahjong -> mahjong:
Which means removing strip_mahjong from images which don't also include any mahjong tiles/tenbou. All those Evangelion CG sets/calenders don't qualify in my opinion.

tenbou -> mahjong:
Only if there isn't another game which uses these sticks.

mahjong_tile -> mahjong:
Needs restriction, like "Use if there is only a single mahjong tile in the image" or for people holding tiles, but not playing mahjong. Same with chess_piece by the way.

edit: changed tenbo to tenbou after glasnost's post.
tenbo -alias or edit-> tenbou
pointless wiki tenbo

Updated by jxh2154

There's only 13 strip mahjong posts remaining after that cleanup (I'm assuming on the comics because I'm not going to read them just to determine if they're strip mahjong or not.) Plus another ten if you include the diebuster images which don't seem any more strip mahjong-centric than the eva ones.

I'm not sure that mahjong tile should implicate mahjong, if I'm searching mahjong I expect to find people playing mahjong not post #505748.

tenbo should be tenbou per romanization policy (点棒, てんぼう), but a tenbou->mahjong implication looks fine, as a "点棒 -麻雀" search doesn't seem to return any alternative uses of point sticks. (What it does return, incidentally, are hits for G点棒, which someone cleverer than me probably would have been able to decode before clicking on a link to find out what it meant.)