
Tag Alias: helm -> helmet

Posted under General

A helm is different than a helmet and it isn't short for a helmet. Its more accurate to call it a type of helmet, or if you want to, say that a helmet is a type of helm.

A Helm refers to the old Medieval style of helmet, if nothing else, but it is visually and functionally distinctive from the modern helmet.

So -1 from me.

As Anelaid notes, the two terms have different meanings. There definitely needs to be a distinction written into the respective wiki pages.

However, I wouldn't disagree with a helmhelmet implication. A helm is still protective headgear, even if it's medieval-style. When I think of the headgear on a suit of armor, "helmet" is the word that springs to mind.

I looked it up in the encyclopedia and got something different than Wikipedia, and honestly, I trust that over Wikipedia, especially since the Wikipedia page is a disambiguation. I also don't know if danbooru has a stance on using Wikipedia to back up things like definitions.

I've also cleaned up the definition of helm to be more accurate as to what a helm actually is.

Anelaid said:
I looked it up in the encyclopedia, and honestly, I trust that over Wikipedia, especially since the Wikipedia page is a disambiguation.

You can always edit wikipedia, y'know. And not trusting their articles until you've checked them is a part of balanced breakfast.

葉月 said:
You can always edit wikipedia, y'know. And not trusting their articles until you've checked them is a part of balanced breakfast.

Well, I edited Wikipedia then to be more accurate. It seems like their main page is focusing only on the modern helmet so that explains why the error occurred.

I also fixed up the helmet page.

Also a hardhat -> helmet implication will also fit.

along with kabuto -> helmet and baseball_helmet -> helmet


A mining_helmet isn't a hardhat per se. Despite some things, they generally have a light fixed to it and a slightly different design.

While kabutos are the most common type of Samurai helmet, I think there are some other, lesser known variants or designs.

If the lamp isn't present, then it would look no different from what would be tagged a hardhat. So the only thing to really distinguish a mining helmet from a regular hardhat is the presence of a lamp. The lamp need not be built it, but it certainly needs to be attached.