
Informing new users about the forum's rules

Posted under General

While it's not really a _big_ issue, I've noticed that we seem to get our fair share of new users who create off-topic threads because they haven't read the rules.

I was thinking that since Member-level users are presented a link on how to properly comment on posts, something similar could be implemented for the forum.

One specific implementation I had in mind is showing a link (with possibly an accompanying summary) to the Rules thread when the user attempts to create his or her first thread. And like the link to the howto:comment guide, it'd be eye-catching so that users would be more likely to pay attention to it. Account age and/or level could be variables in deciding whether it'd be shown or not.

Any thoughts on this idea, or the concept in general?

Updated by Jigsy

I think this website appears to be a dream-come-true for some users. They love the fact that we have been tagging and identifying their interests. They are hoping that we might be able and willing to do a little bit more for them.

To not disappointed them, I suggest that we should split the forum up, and include a general discussion section. That way, they can still ask their questions and people who don't want to see the questions don't have to. The only problems with this idea I can see come from the difficulty in coding it.

If we go for the split-up of forum into sections (something I still have my doubts about), I would as an exception allow a dedicated area for identification purposes only, where such threads would be allowed. But I'm rather afraid to go in the direction of sectioning at all, since that risks that our already small and isolated minority who makes decisions will split into yet smaller and more isolated sub-minorities.

Jigsy said:
Why not just create one single General Dicussion thread, sticky, and temporarily ban those who post off-topic conversations outside of it?

Why do we need a separate forum for banter? Do we not already have a comment thread on every single image already? The only functional difference I can see is there's no way of knowing about replies in a thread currently (something I addressed when I first responded to the "Direction of Danbooru" banner whenever it went up).

And before anyone says something about wanting to talk about off-topic stuff, why not go somewhere that is on topic to talk about it then? It's not like you have a contract to only go to one online community.

Jigsy said:
Why not just create one single General Dicussion thread, sticky, and temporarily ban those who post off-topic conversations outside of it?

Because that would be like inviting the clowns to a meeting of the board of trustees of a carnival, then telling them you'll throw them out if anyone gets hit with a pie. Why not just leave them in the big top, where they're perfectly happy, and keep them out of the board room?

It was just an idea.

I personally like the forums being for Danbooru related/technical stuff only, rather than having to see stuff like "Last movie you saw," etc.

There's hundreds of websites for that; 4chan for example.

I only come here to save artwork I like and upload stuff, not for socializing. (I have IRC for that...)