
Image source when uploading.

Posted under General

I have a quick question about image sources.
When an image has a URL to it's source, it's usually linked to Pixiv, but most of the time I also find the image on the artist's website. So I just wanted to ask, when uploading, should I link to Pixiv, or the artist's website? Or does it not matter?


Open the images in two tabs and compare to see which one is the better version. Sometimes artists might post their art on Pixiv first, but then go back and touch it up or make a higher resolution before posting on their website.

If they don't so much as flicker, then it doesn't really matter where you upload. I usually upload the one with the larger file size, because more bytes means it's better, obviously.

RaisingK said:
Doesn't matter. Link directly to the image. Not a blog, not a profile page. THE IMAGE.

It depends on the site. We have to use direct image links for Pixiv because that's the only way Find Artist will work, and because on Pixiv it's possible to translate from the image URL back to the page URL. I know that on Deviant Art the situation is reversed: Find Artist only works with the page URL, not the direct image URL, and there's no way to get back to the image page given just the direct image link. On sites like dA it's better to use the page URL rather than the direct image link.

Anywhere but Deviantart use the image itself. I can't recall anywhere else that uses communal storage and if it's completely operated by the artist on their own definitely use the image url.

Yes, similarly you should fix source links for stuff like twitpic. Because, well...




As for your actual question (which source is superior when the image is equal), I know I might catch some flak for this but I think Pixiv is your better option. I say this mostly because Pixiv is very well-integrated with Danbooru, so it's much more likely that someone else will upload from that source. If that happens, they'll get the "this image is already uploaded" thing (when using the Bookmarklet that is).


To be honest with you, I really don't mind where I upload from, but the only problem I have with Pixiv is the fact that most (if not, all) of the site is in japanese, and I have not the talent of reading and understanding it. I have tried a translator (Google, to be exact), but it doesn't really help, in my opinion.

Thanks for the link, RaisingK. I'm not going install with my currently availible computer, though. I'm going to wait for my new one to come in. Anyway, thanks everyone for helping a lowly member like me, you guys are awesome.