
Getting rid of stuffed_animal

Posted under Tags

AngryZapdos said:

It would be preferable to what we have now, yes.

Preferable how exactly? In what way does doing the reverse, but still basically the exact same, of what we're doing now benefit tagging or searching?

I stumbled onto this post because of the downvotes, don't really care about the tags but I agree with AngryZapdos's sentiment here,
I looked at like couple pages of stuffed_animal/stuffed_toy/"-stuffed_animal stuffed_toy" and either it's mistagged a lot or that I don't see the difference.
Having them divided into two different tags would be more preferable as like "non-animal stuffed toy" or something with a better name.

And also we are literally doing the same thing this BUR suggests because holding stuffed animal is aliased to holding stuffed toy.
I can't even search for a post that has a character holding stuffed animal while there's a stuffed toy laying around like post #4208928.
And I surely won't be able to find this image if I were to search "-stuffed_animal stuffed_toy".

It makes more sense to me to divide and garden them into two tags as said before and have this alias pass.