
Popular Apex Weapon Implications

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BUR #7288 has been rejected.

create implication r-301_carbine -> assault_rifle
create implication b3_wingman -> revolver
create implication b3_wingman -> handgun
create implication wraith's_kunai -> kunai
create implication alternator -> submachine_gun
create implication r-99_smg -> submachine_gun

Implicating the most populated Apex Legends weapon tags (aside from the Mozambique since it's a weird hybrid shotgun/pistol energy gun) to the appropriate general weapon tags.

We don't imply fictional weapons to their real life types, because it's not rare for them to get personifications or to be drawn in alternate forms. An example is pool #16616 - they're all holding their equivalent weapon in those pics, sure, but it's not hard to imagine one of those characters drawn without the gun.

nonamethanks said:

We don't imply fictional weapons to their real life types, because it's not rare for them to get personifications or to be drawn in alternate forms. An example is pool #16616 - they're all holding their equivalent weapon in those pics, sure, but it's not hard to imagine one of those characters drawn without the gun.

Ah, I figured they were since several Halo weapons have the general weapon implications (MA5, M19, M392 Marksman, Plasma Grenade, SRS99, M7, BR55)

nonamethanks said:

Those appear to be ancient implications (topic #8176) from when implication were less future-proof than they are now.

Huh... case in point, some of the tank implications are now causing issues with anthropomorphized tanks under tank personification. The Pz. IIIs and Pz. IVs in particular, though there are also some Ash Arms girls that get double-tagged with both the character and the tank, dragging tank in. Time to unimply them?