
Commentary for Emoting Mokou Pictures

Posted under General

zaregoto said:

That's what I sort of fear, but also doubt. If it is additional, it's probably just stuff about the artist herself. post #2980418 commentary is her saying she's gonna stop drawing and go do her hair, which is different from the picture but doesn't add anything.

That is a reference to a recent Chinese meme according to my understanding.

I've noticed that a lot of added commentaries last year don't really add to the image, provide context, or have any other use. This has been happening ever since the guideline for adding commentaries has been followed more closely by some users. That's why I'm more wary of adding them myself unless I think they're more useful myself.

I'm not in favor of deleting commentaries. It's true these are mostly redundant, but you can't judge that without being able to see the commentary for yourself. Whenever I see a post without commentary I have to waste my time checking why it's not there: was the commentary truly not interesting, or was it just because the uploader never adds commentary?

As far as the commentary request tag goes, frankly I think it should be nuked. Searching the artist commentaries listing is a better way to find untranslated commentaries.

The only other concern I see is wasted screen space. To me, this isn't a big deal. No one complains about having to scroll these commentaries on Pixiv, so I don't see the issue with doing the same here.

evazion said:

As far as the commentary request tag goes, frankly I think it should be nuked. Searching the artist commentaries listing is a better way to find untranslated commentaries.

That doesn't quite work, especially for only part-ways translated commentaries.

I can't speak for others, but I frequently only partways translate commentaries to at least translate the title. Even for the body portion, I'll sometimes break it up into spurts if the commentary is longish.

I'll leave commentary request on those until it gets fully translated. It doesn't help that we don't have a commentary_partially_translated tag.

chinatsu said:

-1 -- if you notice the commentary is verbatim the same as the translation, just translate the commentary to be that translation...

The translators rarely do that though. Copy and pasting is easy, but it's time wasting. Also, I believe the moajority of them have no commentaries, so deleting the rest just seems easier.

zaregoto said:

The translators rarely do that though. Copy and pasting is easy, but it's time wasting.

I think that's more up to if the translator is willing to do it or not.

My stance? Leave whatever's up alone but provide guidelines on what kinds of untranslated commentary should be added.