
The new Touhou character from the Febri comic

Posted under General

Her title and name are given as 片腕有角の仙人 茨華仙(茨木華扇) in the comic, and she introduces herself as 茨華仙, so I think the best tag based on what's out now is probably ibara_kasen, and not ibaraki_kasen. (Touhou Wiki is not a useful reference in this case - I wrote that article, so you could say it's biased.)

However, all of the existing posts have been changed to ibaraki_kasen, and there are a couple of new posts using that tag, as well. I was going to change it back later tonight, but I wanted to document why somewhere and give people a chance to object first ... I'd say we want to alias one to the other (I'd vote for ibaraki_kasen → ibara_kasen for now). The alias direction may change later based on events in the comic.

Updated by jxh2154

Her proper name is indeed "Ibaraki Kasen", while "Ibarakasen" (no space) is her name as a hermit. If I recall correctly, even the spelling is different. "Ibara Kasen" implies Ibara is her family name which it isn't, so I agree the tag should be aliased back to ibaraki_kasen, or to ibarakasen (which I don't support because that's the title, not the name).