
Did the JSON/XML API just changed?

Posted under General

The "preview_file" attribute (XML) / property (JSON) is now pointing to somewhere "without" a domain name.

It used to be like "sample_url" and "file_url", with a full URL, such as

but now the preview link becomes like

  • "preview_url":"/ssd/data/preview/5cf4e9cc6f592aed41feeab4983c770b.jpg"

yes it's easy to workaround but i'm just wondering why...??

=== another thing ===

is the Danbooru Web API documentation out-dated or what?

I find some functionalities just not always apply...

=== advertisement below ===

I'm writing an Android app to browse / view danbooru-based imageboards:

not on market tho.


Log said:
forum #45741
forum #65522

yes I tried that program, and found some (rather annoying) problems.

  • it retrieves one page at a time, blocking you from doing nothing but looking at that progress dialog progress. whenever you want to see the next page, you have to click on "menu -> next page" and wait for another progress dialog to progress.
  • the image viewing is fixed to a certain size (the screen size) which you can't zoom or scroll.
  • the hosts are hard-coded into the program and i find no place to change it.

I grabbed the source code of danbo and tried to improve it, but it's user experience flow just don't fit my taste.

that's why i started this project.
it's designed with user experience and usability in mind, tries hard NOT to block you from doing something else.
the progress dialog in single page view needs a rework and i'm trying to get rid of it.

=== advertisement below ===

it's a new project, you can't even find it in google, yet.
the link is here:

It features:

  • auto-page fetching, so there's no waiting for the progress dialog to download the next page.
  • async preview image downloading, fetch preview images one at a time ONLY.
  • normal image viewing capability - zoom, scroll, etc.
  • you can also search through tags with the built-in search function. multi-tag search is a bit tricky, but works anyway. spaces are replaced with underscore (because it's hard to type with a soft-keyboard), and you seperate tags with "+".
  • it lets you share your favorite pictures through android's built-in facilities to twitter / facebook / email / or whatever app.
  • it uses the built-in download facility for image downloading, and organizes the downloads into site-specific folders.

EDIT: working demo... finally finished uploading: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24z0LV4X6ms
