
New Tag: heart-shaped_pupils

Posted under General

I've noticied a fair amount of pictures, especially those involving komeiji_koishi in which the character has a pupil shaped like a heart.

Some examples of such:

post #853775
post #857480, hearts in the eyes. Adding since the symbol-shaped_pupils tag is already added.
post #855601
post #847950

So there are enough examples that this tag would find good use for.

If this is made a tag, it should implicate both heart and symbol-shaped_pupils unless we want to completely separate from the latter.

Updated by Cyberia-Mix

It's not a bad idea to have tags for the most popular symbols. The most common are probably heart-shaped_pupils and star-shaped_pupils.

post #857480 doesn't look like symbol-shaped_pupils, because the heart doesn't replace the pupil, just like in post #824350 (q).

Anelaid said:
If this is made a tag, it should implicate both heart and symbol-shaped_pupils unless we want to completely separate from the latter.

Yes, I would suggest symbol-shaped_pupils as the umbrella tag for *****-shaped_pupils.
On that note, the heart_pillow tag I recently created only implies pillow...