
Name for this hand pose

Posted under General

rantuyetmai said:
You misunderstand my quote. I mean the salutation itself have a Western military origin and meaning, it doesn't matter if a normal girl does it, people would still recognize it as a sign of salute.

Huh, sorry. Well I don't agree anyway. Although it's the case in this picture, there's a variety of salute hand gestures here for which the military connection is just too loose, if any (say, post #765231). Could be the criteria but it's not, according to the current definition.

rantuyetmai said:
you'd be including bowing in it if you think so.

I would if it was only used as such (it's closer to thanking right now).

------this is a random talk, pay no mind-------

glasnost said:
salute, n.1
An utterance, gesture, or action of any kind by which one person salutes another; a salutation.

tl: "a salute is a salute". Really, this is the type of dictionary explanation for someone who is studying English, not the scientific explanation.

salute, v.trans.
To greet with some gesture or visible action conventionally expressive of respect or courteous recognition.

x belongs to set Y does not means everything under set Y is x. Salute is a respectful greeting, but not every respectful greeting is a salute. You shouldn't ignore the rest of my sentence when quoting: "Salute is not simply every respectful gesture there are, you'd be including bowing in it if you think so."


Cyber, please read my explanations again, you're still misunderstanding exactly the same way. In short:

1. This gesture is NOT a salute in its very meaning.

2. Nobody in Danbooru or irl is reminded of a salute by seeing this. Hence nonsense tagging if we do the implication.

3. Including this new tag in tag group:gestures is lovely enough for anyone who want to learn or find this particular pose.


Salute on danbooru refers to the hand-to-the-head, western concept of a salute, generally thought of in a military sense but such a setting is not required. Dictionary definitions are broader but not used here.

Whether palm-fist_greeting does or does not fulfill the same purpose, danbooru favors the visual in tagging and thus it won't be implicated.

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