
Linking to other boorus in pools/wikis/etc.

Posted under General

While I was sorting pool #1409 I figured out some images didn't have their higher res counterpart.
Thanks to one of the source links I found out that imouto has the whole book scanned (consistent resolution and additional pages, mildly interesting to upload here however).

Honestly I don't feel like taking the missing absurdres versions and/or missing pages from there, cropping them like the images we've here (imouto's artbook pages have borders while ours don't - most having no source as well), so that the pool is neat and all.
Seems overkill, and unfair to the scanner. Imouto did that job already and better (same source for all images so it's uniform).

So I was thinking linking http://moe.imouto.org/pool/show/1417 in pool #1409's description would be better for people interested in the whole thing, but I don't quite know if it's allowed.

Updated by 葉月

Actually I don't think we have anything resembling a policy on linking to removed artists' materials. I wouldn't want to forbid that, either. We do honour their requests by deleting the pictures in question, policing what goes on other sites isn't and shouldn't be our business. And I refuse to subscribe to the MPAA/RIAA mindset that linking is the same as beating up the artist in a dark alley and going through their pockets.