
Audio tech tags

Posted under General

I would call the line display a waveform. There's also two different things that can be called spectrum displays (the bar graph and another one that looks like multicolored static) but I can't think of different names for them.

memento_mori said:
I would call the line display a waveform. There's also two different things that can be called spectrum displays (the bar graph and another one that looks like multicolored static) but I can't think of different names for them.

Waveforms are displayed on an oscilloscope. The bar graph in this case is...I forget what it's called, actually; I haven't really called it by name in forever. Was it EQ meter? (It's peak at a particular frequency.) There's also VU and PPM, which are different. The latter, which you describe as static, is a spectrogram.

DschingisKhan said:
Waveforms are displayed on an oscilloscope.

When I hear the word oscilloscope I think of the measuring instrument. I'd say that not everything displayed on an oscilloscope is a waveform, and you can display a waveform on other things than oscilloscopes.

T5J8F8 said:
Poorly rendered surface curvature?

No, there's multiple intersections right at one of the reference lines.

zatchii said:
When I hear the word oscilloscope I think of the measuring instrument. I'd say that not everything displayed on an oscilloscope is a waveform, and you can display a waveform on other things than oscilloscopes.

Not to get too technical, but sorta, yeah. O-scopes display voltage as a function (usually of time). Audio amplitude can be converted to voltage fairly easily (which is why speakers work). Everything displaying a waveform (so we have no question where my loyalties lie) in real time is an oscilloscope (even in software). As for not everything being a waveform on a scope, well... http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/history/higinbotham.asp

Sorry, was trying to clear up confusion, not create more. The tag should definitely not refer to the device; that's not "seen" so much as what it displays.