
How should this image be tagged?

Posted under General

post #595384 seems to very closely resemble a scene from the intro of Final Fantasy X.

When I first saw the image, I added the tags final_fantasy_x and auron to it - but the tags were later removed by someone who believed the image was original.

I'm not disputing whether it was correct or not to do that, as this seems to be an ambiguous case, but what are your personal thoughts on how this should be tagged?

And to anyone who has played the game and/or seen the intro, would you agree that there's a distinct resemblance here?

Updated by jxh2154

While I can see the resemblance, there's a hell of a lot of differences as well, ranging from the style of the buildings and the plantlife, to the cat at our mystery man's side, to, well, the giant whales floating through the air. It's quite possible that the resemblance is purely coincidental.

I'm not familiar with ffx, but for what it's worth, Pixiv tags indicate that it is an original (オリジナル) created for pixiv festa 2 (pixivフェスタ). If I read the artist comments correct, it depicts the same location as post #444464, 20 years later -- maybe that kid grew up, and it's the same cat?

I'd be inclined to agree, but it's just so eerily similar. I can't help but feel the artist based his image on a scene from the game, only having it made different enough to appear original (not that that's a problem).

I see three similarities:

While the intro for the game has no whale-type creature in it, I think the artist was depicting a creature called "Sin" from the game - which was later revealed to look like a giant, floating whale. The two other similarities are a big blue sphere in the background (with something ejecting out of the top of it), and a man in red standing over a ledge watching it.

All-in-all, I suppose it's fine to just tag it with original, since it's probably not similar enough to be considered something from Final Fantasy X.

Edit: You raise a pretty good point, r0d3n7z. It might just be totally coincidental (still can't shake-off the similarities between the two, though).

Late edit: Well, it looks like it was just one big coincidence after all, thanks to the efforts of Soljashy.


Hillside_Moose said:
We already have a Reference Works pool, why do we need another one?

Well, it doesn't quite match, since it's not a trace-level comparison. Example: When Auron was in that position (a view of which we're not given as seen in the post), Sin is submerged in water/a floating water bubble. The pic feels FFXy, but isn't what amounts to a modified cap.

But if it would fit with that pool, then sure.

In case anyone else was curious, I sent the artist a message on Pixiv asking about the matter and he says he's never played Final Fantasy X before and isn't at all familiar with its visuals. It would seem we have a coincidence on our hands after all.

Soljashy said:
In case anyone else was curious, I sent the artist a message on Pixiv asking about the matter and he says he's never played Final Fantasy X before and isn't at all familiar with its visuals. It would seem we have a coincidence on our hands after all.

Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like it shouldn't be in any of those pools then.