
Ar Tonelico/Ar Tonelico II character tag proposed change *spoiler*

Posted under General

I know we dealt with this already, but...

jakuri -> mule_teiwaz_ar_tonelico

Its her real name, its what she originally appeared as in the first game, and her mere existence as a character in Ar Tonelico II is, in and of itself, a spoiler, and seeing that she has by far the most images of any Ar Tonelico Character, we may as well be accurate about it.

Also, she's called "Mir" in the translation, but the kana is ミュール, which has been transliterated as "Mule".


Yes it is true, that is her full name but having that as the tag would make the tag itself a spoiler wouldnt it? also that is painfully long and i bet most wouldnt remember how to spell all that. also the only way she can be portrayed as mule would be in pictures such as post #36408 because other than her appearance in the first game she portrayed herself as Jakuri rather than giving her true name. Mir is already aliased to Jakuri too. Idk about the other people but i vote to keep it as jakuri

Is that really her full name and do they really use that in the first game? I've never played the first game and much of my knowledge is generated from what is available online, but I'm somewhat suspicious of it since it's more or less her Hymn Code (magic server authorization code) which is more or less [Name]_[Position(?)]_[Home Tower].

Most sites seem to go by just the first name.

My opinion is to stick with Jakuri, I think her role in the first game would be considered more of a spoiler than her presence and role in the second game. Additionally I'd imagine that Ar Tonelico 2 represents the lion's share of the images depicting her here.

As dumb as it is, her name is clearly spelled "Myuuru", which would be "Mule". The others or more just romanization issues.

As for the spoiler issue, its a spoiler either way you do it.

You either wonder why the main villain of the first game has an unusually large number of images, or you are spoiled by the fact that "hey, that robot is actually a girl and is actually Mir!"

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, and like I said, we may as well just be accurate about it.

To jxh2154, who probably has no idea of the situation: Mir is the villain from AR1, who turns up as a main character in AR2 under the pseudonym “Jakuri”. This could be called a spoiler of sorts, though it’s really of the “Aeris Dies” kind at this point. Either way, you can’t choose between Mir and Jakuri without either one being a spoiler for the other, so don’t even try. For the record, yeah, her Jakuri role is staggeringly more popular.

“Mule” is the Japanese romanization of Mir, which is sorta accurate and was probably changed in the localization because having the villain called “Mule” sounds retarded in English. The characters of Mir’s race have a “true name” that’s really more of an identification code, hers being mule_teiwaz_artonelico. This code is still “mule” in the English version because the localization is half-assed and they missed it (The code was in roman characters in the original as well).

Opinion: I don’t really like it. I’m all for accuracy when there’s no reason not to have the full name (There isn’t) but this is kind of a weird case. I’d be okay with it if it had no other repercussions, but if this is implemented, then you have strictly named-in-side-material-only issues like Shurelia, who is NEVER called Eoria by anyone ever despite being eoria_ansul_artonelico and that is a spoiler for the first game that we COULD avoid (And in fact, many people finish the game without figuring out she is Eoria at all).

If it's a touchy subject either way, and it seems like it is, I guess I sort of favor keeping the status quo. If we've unavoidably spoiled people one way, it'd probably be worse to get them from the other direction too. Status quo also avoids the ミュール question. =P

I really think that Jakuri is more spoilerific in general. Her appearance in the second game is supposed to be a surprise, and they even hide her in a robot for the first 20% of the game. The fact that she's even human (well, Reyvateil) is pretty surprising.

You are simply not going to be able to avoid either spoiler, but THAT one even moreso. 99% of her artwork is Jakuri in her AR2 role, the company's official material itself isn't even trying to hide that. If anything, you minimize the number of spoilers by keeping Jakuri, as a lot more people will see the images of her Jakuri look than her Mir one, and thus a lot more people will see Jakuri tagged as Jakuri than Mir tagged as Jakuri. If you reverse it, you have the far more numerous Jakuri images revealing that she is Mir.

But is the fact that she's Mir ever really a secret?

Its pretty blindingly obvious as soon as she hops out of the robot.

Ah well, it doesn't really matter.

(and I just know we're going to have to deal with this again with AT3 and Cocona...)