
Artist wiki aliases removed?

Posted under General

I just picked up on this recently after editing a few artist wiki's. Are all of the old alias connections in the artist wiki gone now? I came across kana and kanji artist entries not to connected to romaji artist names several times, and checking some of the names I've edited before, the previously listed aliases do seem to be unconnected now.

Updated by albert

tasaka_shinnosuke used to have several aliases connected, like ちょちょポリス, longhorntrain, long_horn_train, 田阪新之助. They're all in the artist wiki still (haven't been deleted), but the aliases aren't connected anymore. Granted, it's not too hard to connect it back with one, but it seems to affect many entries. For instance, browsing a random page with kana artist entries, most of them are not connected to an artist, which is unusual. They are usually always created as an alias rather than a distinct artist entry.