
Tag Alias: syuka

Posted under General

shii said:
This is madness! We should use Japanese pronunciations of all kanji. I don't want to have to learn modern Mandarin just to look up someone's name.


And no one is asking you to learn "modern Mandarin".

shii said:
This is madness! We should use Japanese pronunciations of all kanji. I don't want to have to learn modern Mandarin just to look up someone's name.

Please stop being embarrassingly stupid. It's unsightly.

Regarding the original topic of the thread: Going to alias to shuka_(taupe), qualifying with the site name.

Edit: had a long post typed up before I noticed another thread was started for the Chinese stuff... people should continue this discussion there, I guess. Moving my post there.

chainedwind said:


葉月 said:
Please stop being embarrassingly stupid. It's unsightly.

It's not stupid.
1) How are we supposed to remember Shaoran -> Xiaolang? I don't automatically know how to read 小狼 in Mandarin just because I know Japanese. What kind of space magic do you guys possess?
2) Besides, Shaoran is from Hong Kong so the proper reading is Siulong.
3) His character was invented by Japanese artists in Japan, and has always been read Shaoran/Syaoran (nihonsiki).
4) You're removing the tone marks-- this is not Pinyin, this is just nonsense. YOU FOOLS


shii said:

3) His character was invented by Japanese artists in Japan, and has always been read Shaoran/Syaoran (nihonsiki).
4) You're removing the tone marks-- this is not Pinyin, this is just nonsense. YOU FOOLS

I somewhat agree with both of these points.

Calling Haduki a fool is not a good way to win friends and influence people though.

Fencedude said:
Calling Haduki a fool is not a good way to win friends and influence people though.

Oh, I'm not offended when someone does it openly, in uppercase. That's just an internet flavour of discussion I'm perfectly fine with.

shii said:

No, sweetie. I'll let you in on a secret: the Chinese actually invented them.

It's not stupid.
1) How are we supposed to remember Shaoran -> Xiaolang? I don't automatically know how to read 小狼 in Mandarin just because I know Japanese. What kind of space magic do you guys possess?

Use the same technique you use to remember Ling Xiaoyu. Or Hong Meiling. And our secret spell is called forum.

2) Besides, Shaoran is from Hong Kong so the proper reading is Siulong.

Now that's something approaching a valid point. The problem is, as mentioned originally, that the non-Mandarin romanisation schemes are much less standardised.

Also, please continue this thread in forum #28786 if you have any replies.

葉月 said:
No, sweetie. I'll let you in on a secret: the Chinese actually invented them.

This is a Japanese art website. There is no difference between "hanzi" and "kanji". Let's use the word kanji, because it's Japanese.

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