
Editted subscription tags to remove an artist...opposite occured D=

Posted under General

Among my subscription tags were Minami_(artist), the author of the Chibi Miku-San 4koma, which I kept up to date on by going to my bookmarked subscription page.

Well now that all the pages of his (her) untranslated manga series called Trouble Spirit or something are being uploaded, it is completely flooding my subscription page. So I went to my subscription settings and removed Minami. But now whenever I go to my subscription page, I get nothing BUT Minami for about the first few pages, with only a couple of subscription relevant pics in between. WTF =(

Updated by Log

From my experience, changes made to subscriptions and stuff don't happen immediately. Someone with more tech knowhow of the behind-the-scenes mechanics of danbooru should be able to help you more in that regard.

Also, you can just make a separate subscription group for minami_(artist), which incidentally has a lot of the Trouble Spirit comic translated already, if you don't want it to flood the others.