
How do we deal with multiple artists who have the same romanized name?

Posted under General

I came across this problem. I wanted to upload images from an artist whose name appears on Pixiv in katakana. I searched the name here to see if there is a tag for it, and it turns out there is - however, it's a different artist, who spells their name with kanji. Same translation.

How do we deal with this?


For pixiv artists, you can use the "username" from the URL of the image. It's not perfect, but it's guaranteed to not conflict with other pixiv artists.

Also, if there happens to be a website linked, and from there you can discern the artist's real name, that is preferable to either of the pixiv handles.

LoliBiscuit said:
I think I just realized what to do, after thinking about this for like an hour. *facepalm* You add "_pixiv####" to distinguish it by ID number, right?

You absolutely, positively DO NOT DO THAT. Ever.

The fact that people still do this is utterly infuriating.

By "username" I meant what you see as the most significant directory in the url of the images themselves.

For example Pixiv post#5739886's image's URL is "http://img01.pixiv.net/img/goodnight/5739886.png" . From there you can see that the artist's "username" is "goodnight" which is also a particularly terrible artist tag name.

EDIT: Ok, it looks like you found it, but this method is probably the way to go in the future if you can't resolve it in a better way.