
dekopin tag

Posted under General

I was surprised to find that we didn't have a dekopin tag, but now I'm unsure how to go about finding posts that would require it. I went through the obvious forehead posts, but that only yielded post #442693 which barely qualifies. Also happened to come across post #481162 (which is why I noticed the absence of dekopin). Any ideas on how to find more? And if you see some, please tag them.

dekopin means to flick (pin) someone's forehead (deko). Somewhat commonly seen in Japanese media, especially as a punishment in a batsu game .

I suppose if it gets enough posts it should probably be implicated to forehead, but I'll leave that for later.


Dr_Fine_Rolo said:
I think that may just be all we got, or close to it, if you went through forehead already. It looks like you hit *flick* too.

Yeah, I did. I doubt that's all we have, it's probably just not tagged, unfortunately. And comic is a bit too large to scour, haha.