
Bow Ditama

Posted under General

We have three tags that I can find for this guy (bow_ditama, ditama and ditamabow). In the west he's usally called "Bow Ditama" and that appears to be how he writes his own name romanised (see http://images-jp.amazon.com/images/P/4847035526.09.LZZZZZZZ.jpg ) but I wanted to check how you wanted it done here before I tried retagginh or requesting aliases. The kanji is ぢたま某 however he usually writes the 某 in a circle for some reason (as noted on http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%A2%E3%81%9F%E3%81%BE%E6%9F%90 )
If this is his real name then precedence suggests using "jitama_bou" (c/v itou_noiji etc.)


You've also forgot the TV series too. But anyways I'm not really sure. My Tokyopop manga and places around the internet just simply used Bow Ditama and the jitama_bou you referred to but other than that I'm just not sure.

Most people know him as Bow Ditama. Aliases would help if you searched for "bow_ditama" or "ditama_bow", but what if you're browsing pictures and find one tagged as "jitama_bou"? Most people won't have any idea who that is, even if they do know the artist.

That's where the artist database comes in handy - precedence is (in my experience here at least) to use an artist's real name with a standardized romanization over their preferred spelling or nickname (witness watanabe_akio over poyoyon_rock, gotou_keiji over keiji_gotoh etc)